Friday, December 21, 2012

High 5 for Friday-Holiday Edition

This week was full of:
1. Last minute shopping and wrapping (I'm a terrible wrapper, any tips are welcome!)
2. Getting Pinterest inspired gifts in cute packages.
3. Looking at our Christmas card pictures 1,000 times and finally sending out my cards.
4. Finding old ornaments and reminiscing. That cute little boy is my husband in kindergarten.
5. A SNOW DAY! That's as I am writing this I am in my pajamas drinking hot chocolate and watching episodes of Parenthood. The roads aren't that bad and there is less than an inch of snow here, but since we were only going for a half day today anyway I think the head of our school decided to give us a gift early. High five for Fridays especially when they are SNOW DAYS!


Anonymous said...

Hurrah for snow days! I'm horrible at wrapping so I don't have any tips, haha!

Unknown said...

OMG. Snow days! (sigh) jealous. And I think that is the absolute cutest idea - old ornaments with kiddie pictures for the tree!

Anonymous said...

How fun!! Happy snow day! :)


Alyssa said...

Yay for snow days!! That's so much fun! I love that mug too!! It's so cute! Merry Christmas!!
Found you from H5FF! You can find me here:

Lexilooo said...

I'd love a snow I could do some shopping! I'm so behind this year!

Anonymous said...

I suck at gift wrapping too...sorry can't help you there :(

Love that Christmas mug!!

jamiedawn said...

i've always heard that "if it takes you more than 3 pieces of tape, you aren't wrapping correctly" WHO IN THE WORLD COULD ONLY USE 3 PIECES?!?!

Marsa said...

im not done yet with christmas shopping either! ahhh

ps love your blog.

following now :)

courtney said...

YAY for christmas! and im a terrible wrapper to... i just add pretty ribbon and embellishments to distract from the actual wrapping ;)

courtney said...

Too* ^


Brittany Kyte said...

Snow day! I am completely jealous right now :)

NanaDiana said...

Got to love those snow days. What cute pictures...and I am finally done wrapping! xo Diana

Megan said...

Hooray for a snow day! That sounds amazing!!

Jess said...

Snow day?! AWESOME!
And I haven't even finished my shopping yet - hoping to do that today haha!

Merry Christmas, Allison :)

Jessica M. said...

Yay snow days!

Rachel Zimm said...

what a great spread of Christmasy photos! :)

Rach said...

AAAHHH! Hooray for a snow day! So exciting! :)

Anonymous said...

In snow day luv becomes more romantic...So enjoy your luv...
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