
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Buried Treasure

Living in an old house formerly owned by my husband's grandparents has it's perks. One of them being "buried treasure." When we moved into the house it was a mess. Drew's grandparents were secret hoarders and had so much stuff! We did what we could to make the house ours right away including ripping up all the carpet (Thank you Jesus for hard wood floors!) and re-modeling the main bathroom. As for all the stuff, we moved what we didn't have time to go through to the basement, closed a few doors and pretended it wasn't there for a few months. We have slowly been sorting through things and have found some amazing treasures that are now included in my every day decor.  It may take a few posts, but our buried treasure will be revealed. I will start with my favorite find...
A Crosley Radio!
More treasures to be revealed tomorrow...


  1. So Cool! Stumbled across your blog, and have loved reading through some of the posts :D

  2. awesome! i can't wait to see more treasures! that is one of the best parts of having an old house! :)

  3. glad you are enjoying my blog so far. I love yours too. Seems we have quite a bit in common! I love the blog world. :)
