
Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's in a name?

Ever since my friend Carrie Jo started a blog (check out her website: I have secretly wanted one of my own.  I have always loved journaling and this just seems like the most fun way to do it!  So I talked to Carrie a few weeks ago and she encouraged me to go ahead and just start one.  I sat down that very day (which happened to be a snow day) with my cup of hot chocolate determined to start what I had been wanting to do forever.  Then the page came up where I actually had to come up with the name of my blog. Uh-oh...hmmm. I literally sat for an hour trying to think of the perfect name and also find one that was not taken.  Randomly a quote from Romeo and Juliet popped in to my head.  "What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet." So I decided what matters is what something is... not what it is called at least according to Shakespear. Then I glanced around my house and the name came to me instantly.

So why A Nestful of Love?  It was actually inspired by a pillow I bought recently at Pottery Barn Outlet. I love being outside and our house decor is very "nature-y" so when I saw this pillow it screamed out to me and I had to get it. Thankfully it was at the outlet which reflected a bargain price.  But I have always thought that nests were such adorable little homes. I have tons of pictures throughout the years of robin nests that have been built in places that have crossed my path.  A nestful of love just seemed to suit me and some of my interests so I have my name and I have now officially posted my first post.  Phew!

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