
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

So today I saw the most amazing rainbow ever. Hubby and I had just finished up dinner and were leaving Chipotle when the rain suddenly stopped, the sun came out and whaaa-la...rainbow! Rainbows are just incredible when you stop and think about it. I mean really all those colors in the same order just hanging in the sky. God is pretty creative right? Hope your Thursday was a colorful one. :) Here's my favorite version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow for your viewing pleasure or scroll down for the classic Wizard of Oz version.

P.S. Did anyone else just cry while watching the Office Finale tonight...whoa I totally did.


  1. Awe. A rainbow is good luck! Although now I can't think of rainbows without thinking of the double rainbow video that went viral on youtube a while ago. Have you seen it?

  2. Rainbows bring such a huge smile on my face every single time. I love watching them after a good summer storm.
    I hope you have an amazing weekend girly :- )

  3. thats funny...just posted about this song! :)
