
Thursday, June 2, 2011

The day my students made me cry...

Yesterday we went on a field trip to the Cincinnati Museum Center conveniently located 5 minutes from our school. We went to celebrate the end of the year and had an amazing time! When we got back to school most of the parents followed us up to our classroom and then one parent asked if she could say something...hmmm. She went on to pull out a gift and say sweet things about me followed by everyone applauding and thanking me. I definitely got choked up looking around the room at my students. I never expect gifts, but I do love getting them and would never turn one down.  My kids made me the most adorable art smock ever and in the pockets were 1.) A Graeters gift card (best ice cream ever for all you non-Ohioans) and 2.) A gift card to Cheers to Art one of my favorite places. Read about my visits there here and here.
This time of year is always bittersweet for me especially when I have had such a wonderful class. Don't take me wrong I am excited for summer 100%, but it is always sad for something good to come to an end. Our last day tomorrow and then my precious little kindergartners move on to 1st grade! Oh how I wish I could post more pictures of their cuteness. You will just have to take my word for it. :)


  1. Awww SO CUTE!! I love your art smock.. that is the coolest idea EVER!

  2. That is so precious! As an out of work teacher I look forward to my sundays of teaching Kindergarten each week. I've been with my class since they started last year. I love those kiddos, and this is our last week together- it is bittersweet.

    But seriously, that is one of the most precious gifts I have ever seen!

  3. AHHHHH - This is the! And how cute are you in it?

  4. Adorable! I love your new apron ("smock"? I'm not arty!).

  5. I LOVE the apron! It's such a sweet gesture of your kiddos. Being a teacher can be so rewarding. I'm glad you love your job :-)

  6. just found your blog and you are adorable! following for sure :)
