
Monday, June 27, 2011

A Pear-fect Salad

I have to share this salad recipe with you especially if you like pears. I will admit that I hardly ever eat pears so when my sister in law gave me a recipe that included pears and swiss cheese I wasn't quite sold...until I tried it.
My sister in law is a fabulous cook. She is in a "Book Cooks" club in Nashville with some of her girlfriends. They get together once a month and cook their way through a whole cookbook. Maybe I'll have her do a guest post about it because I would love to be in a club like this with my girlfriends! Anyway, she recently gave me a binder full of all her favorite recipes. She called it Tried and True because it is full of recipes she has tried and loved.
This salad was the first thing I tried out of her cookbook and I've already made it 3 times.
Ingredients for the Poppyseed dressing:
 -2/3 cup vegetable oil
-2/3 cup fresh lemon juice
-1/3 cup sugar
-1 Tbsp. poppy seeds
-2 tsp. finely chopped onion
-1 tsp. Dijon mustard
-1/4 tsp. coarse salt
Ingredients for the Salad:
-1 large head Romaine lettuce, stems removed
-3 cups arugula
-1 cup shredded Swiss cheese
-1 cup whole cashews
-1/2 cup craisins
-1 large Granny Smith apple, cored and cubed
-1 ripe pear, cored, and cubed

1. Mix together the dressing in a lidded jar; shake until thick and smooth.
2. Combine salad ingredients in a large salad bowl. Drizzle with desired amount of dressing and toss gently to coat. Serve immediately.

Let me know what you think if you try this salad out! And if you just can't get enough of me today I'm guest blogging about wall treatments over at Life of the Liles!


  1. Sounds yummy! I love fruit in my salad.

  2. Mmmm! I love making salads for dinner!
    I made this Southwestern chicken salad for dinner a couple of months ago (I need to make it again!) It was sooooooo DELISH!

    I think it's so cute that she made a a tried & true cook book. I love that idea. I would love to make that for my sisters.

  3. mmm! Looks yummy! Although, I'm not totally sold on the idea of swiss cheese. But if you say it's good... guess I'll have to give it a go =)

  4. this looks amazing! trying for sure :)

  5. Yummo! That look super good. I'm so giving this a try! And a cook book club sounds awesome! I would so sign up for that!

  6. PS: I enjoyed reading your guest post too. I really love Jones D.C. walls! She is pretty fab lady!

  7. YUM! This salad looks amazing! :) I'm definitely making it SOON!

  8. super yum! love the sound of these flavors :)

  9. Mmmm, this sounds delish! I'm gonna have to add it to my list of recipes to try!
    Happy Monday!
    Jenn @ Going the Distance

  10. oooo that looks super yummy :) I def am going to try it! your blog is so cute :) so glad i came across it! xo

  11. I have always wanted to cook my way through an entire cookbook! Goodness, I need to get on that:-) This salad sounds delicious! xoxo

  12. Hey there! Sounds delish! And I love the idea of a "Tried and True" binder. What a great gift idea!

  13. Great guest post, how adorable is that tree mural?

    And great recipe, I actually love pears! So this is indeed pear-fect.

  14. this sounds very good! I might leave out the craisins though... but I really should branch out and try them I suppose!!!

    thanks for the comments on bella, she seems to be feeling back to her normal self this morning which makes me VERY happy :)

  15. Your sister in law is SO sweet to make you that binder. I hope I have as sweet of a sister in law, someday. :) Your blog is very cute -I found it through Meg's "Mingle Monday." I hope you have an amazing week!
