
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

WILW-Birthday Edition

I'm linking up with Jamie for another edition of What I'm Loving Wednesday...I have a lot to love today!
I'm loving all the cards, texts, phone calls and facebook messages I got on my birthday. I am so blessed!
I'm loving my new GREEN Brita filter, I love me some ice cold, clean water!

I'm loving that my husband loves our cats as much as I do. He made me a calendar of our cats complete with captions as part of my birthday present. He is so thoughtful. Some people make calendars of their kids. Us? We make calendars of our cats and we are not ashamed.
I'm loving my new Michael Kors belt from my Mom and sister.
I'm loving my new NOOK and cover. I can't wait to use it! And for all you Nook users out there, did you know you can borrow Ebooks from the library???
I'm loving the new restaurant hubby and I went to for my birthday dinner. Great pizza in an old fire house and free dessert. Yes please.
I'm loving how spoiled I feel and probably sound right about now.
Happy Wednesday friends!


  1. Happy belated bday! I have been trying to decide whether or not I should buy an e-reader or not.

  2. sounds like so much fun!!! ah the cats! :)

  3. Alright so I just showed this post to my husband about the cat calendar your husband made you....let's pray that I get one for x-mas this year! AMAZING! That's a great gift.

    Glad to see you had a great b-day week and got spoiled!!

  4. I have a green Brita pitcher too!

    Love the new belt! And how sweet that your husband made that calendar! :)

    Happy Wednesday!

  5. I loved my Green Brita too! I just loved how it tells you when the filter is bad because I could never remember on the old ones!!

    Keep us posted on your nook, I'm really starting to look into getting one and I just can't decide! Is that the one that Barnes and Noble sells? Happy belated birthday!!

  6. Happy birthday girly! I'm so glad you had a great time! You are one lucky girl :-) Oh, and my husband treats our cats like kids too. haha

  7. You should totally join in on the remix! so fun :)

  8. Happy belated birthday! By the way, your outfit in the Nook/pizza pictures is really cute. I considered getting a Nook but went with a Kindle instead ... I love the Kindle but am jealous of the fact that you can borrow ebooks from the library!

    Just stumbled across your blog and I'm so glad I did! :)
