
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Battle of the Enchilada Recipe #2

On to recipe #2 in my Battle of the Enchilada. I made Pioneer Woman's Sour Cream Enchiladas. I love sour cream so I chose this one to try out. The first enchilada recipe I made didn't have sour cream and when I think of Mexican food I usually correlate it with at least a dollop of sour cream. While the first recipe definitely did not disappoint I think I like these even better for a few reasons. 1.) They are easy 2.) They take less than an hour to make 3.) They are delicious and full of flavor 4. ) I love anything Pioneer Woman creates. It's a true story. In PW's original recipe there is no meat in these enchiladas. I knew my meat loving hubby might question the substance of the meal if there was no meat so I added chicken. I took some tips from Recipe #1 and nestled my chicken in some store bought Enchilada sauce. I used the brand Frontera from Whole Foods and loved it.
On to the pictures...
Add the sour cream, chives, ground cumin, cayenne pepper and cheese together

Nestle the chicken in your Enchilada sauce and let cook until shred-able

Fry up each corn tortilla in Canola oil and then dunk in enchilada sauce
Add the sour cream mixture to each tortilla, roll up and place in baking dish
If you are new to my blog you may not know that I'm kind of obsessed with Pioneer Woman. I am trying to cook my way through her cookbook and I was lucky enough to meet her back in February. Thank goodness this was another Pioneer Woman success! Next I will be trying out Annie's Benchiladas!


  1. dude - this looks delicious!

  2. yum! love her and all of her recipes. i'm so jealous you got to meet her!

  3. Yum! These look fabulous...and I too love the Pioneer Woman...she amazes me with all that cooking and photography!

  4. i totally made this recipe awhile back! SOO yummy!

  5. Oh wow these look gooood! Definitely going to try them!
