
Thursday, July 28, 2011

A cozy night in with Calzones

At our house home made pizza night is a common thing, but the other night we decided to spice it up and try calzones. These were so easy and fun to make.
Here are some of the ingredients we used:
We were both tired so instead of making our own dough, which we have done before, we went for the pre-made Pillsbury stuff. We divided the dough in half and made our own creations.
Here comes the fun part or at least I thought it was fun. You take a pair of kitchen scissors and cut slits in both sides of your calzone.
After you cut up each side you braid the dough together across each Calzone so it looks like a little mummy baby.
Cook the Calzones and enjoy!


  1. mmm! Whenever I read your blog I leave feeling hungry! =D

  2. that looks delicious!! sooo excited for dinner and putt putting tomorrow :)

  3. oh wow. i could handle this for sure! super duper yum :)

  4. How fun! I love homemade pizza, I can't wait to try this now!!

  5. Oh my goodness, I want this right now! YUM!!

  6. Oh yum! I've never tried to make these, but I bet they would be a big hit here! Yum!

  7. OH that looks sooooooooooo GOOD!
    I'm definitely going to try and make it!
    Thanks for sharing!!!!!
