
Friday, July 8, 2011

DIY Window Pane Jewelry Holder

I am so excited to share this project with you! Anyone else out there have trouble organizing their jewelry? I have a jewelry organizer, but it's too small and I can't ever find what I'm looking for. I searched Pinterest for jewelry organizers and there are so many great ideas, but I finally found one and decided to use an old window frame.

I have been searching for old window frames for weeks and I finally found them at a garage sale for $5 each. I bought 3 because I knew I could find uses for the old ones. This is a fairly easy DIY project, but I will admit that I had to have that hubby of mine help me with a few things.
Step 1: Remove the glass window panes
This was the hardest part because it required a lot of scraping and prying to remove the wood panels holding the panes in. For safety hubby and I wore these awesome goggles.
Step #2: Clean the window frame and remove all excess dirt and debri
I took the window frame outside and hosed it off then let it air dry in the sunshine.
Step #3: Add the Chicken Wire
I bought my chicken wire at Home Depot for less than $5.00. We had wire cutters and a staple gun at home so I did not need to purchase these items, but they are necessary for this step. This step also requires an extra set of hands. Turn the window frame over and lay flat. Unravel enough chicken wire to cover the entire window without laying over the side. Have one person hold down the chicken wire and using a staple gun, staple the wire into place along one edge of the window. After you have done 3 sides you will have to use wire cutters to cut the excess off of the roll.

Step #4: Cover Chicken Wire with Masking tape
Since I wanted to hang my new jewelry holder on the wall I knew I didn't want the chicken wire scraping off any wall paper so I covered the edges on the back side with masking tape.
Step#5: Add extra hooks to hang jewelry
I bought a few hooks at Urban Outfitters to spice up my jewelry holder and give me more places to hang necklaces, headbands, etc.
Step #6: Think about where you would like to hang it up.
I recommend hanging it up somewhere where you will be able to use it as a display, but also where you have easy access to it. I chose the top of our dresser.
Step #7: Add your jewelry and do a happy dance.
Hope you found this tutorial go make your own!


  1. Allison, this turned out GREAT! I've seen something similar on Martha Stewart's website and had bookmarked it, but yours is cuter!

  2. That's Awesome! I need to make one now! =D

  3. You go Martha! It looks awesome! You did an amazing job girly :-)

  4. Nice work! Totally worth the garage sale quest!

  5. ahhh!! loving this!!! loving the safety goggles too :)

  6. That looks great! How long did a project like this take? I've used a hanging spool rack (from my grandmother's sewing room) to hang jewelry, but I like this one much better. Way to be crafty : )

  7. WOW!! LOTS of work, but fabulous result!! Now you'll have me stalking for old window frames...

  8. Cute Cute Cute! Thanks for the birthday wishes on Thursday! I actually just deleted those from my side bar and made and "page" under my blog header. I just did it all by hand but if you need help making it on the sidebar, email me at and I'll take you through it! Have a great weekend!

  9. I'm DYING to make one of these - they're so ridiculously cute!!

  10. Saw this post on your sidebar as a favorite, and I LOVE this idea! I've seen similar ideas on pinterest, but this is just perfect! Now I must find a window frame...
