
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Red, White and BOOM

5 words that best describe my holiday weekend are: Friends, Family, Food, Fireworks and Food (yes food is in there twice!) Here is a recap in pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Reunited with some fabulous friends from college in Columbus
I somehow managed to see a fireworks show 4 nights in a row. Amazing!
Relaxing at a 4th of July picnic
Tomato salad...hubby's recipe and so delicious!
At yet another firework show.
Cutest cupcakes, white and blue layered for the 4th!
My brother and I did not plan to match I swear. Haha.

You are never too old for Sparklers!
Making patriotic Snow Cones with my sister

The boys attempting and succeeding at a Sparkler bomb...oh my.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday.


  1. That tomato salad looks A-mazing! Actually, all of those goodies look amazing! =D

  2. UMMM, how awesome is the red, white and blue cupcake?!?

  3. That tomato salad has me drooling allover myself! YUMO!!!
    I'm glad you had an awesome weekend girly :-)

  4. that sparkler bomb looks scary!!!! haha glad you had a fun weekend!

  5. i want to hear more about the sparkler bomb... :)
