
Monday, August 8, 2011

An angry Bear

Today my cat who we lovingly call Bear caught his first bird. I interrupted him after his initial catch and the bird got away with everything minus a few feathers which remained in Bear's mouth. I don't think my cat was happy with me for taking away his first real live bird as you can see in picture #1. Poor kitty.

Can you see the feathers left hanging from his mouth??? Hopefully he forgives me...I promised him that if he ever catches a mouse I would not stop him. :)


  1. lol! I love the look he's got in that first photo =)

  2. hahahah this post is so great! sorry bear!

  3. He probably would have brought it for you as a present. I've known of several cats that do this. Good thing you saved the poor bird.

  4. Oh my goodness! My little Yorkie loves to chase squirrels. She had a chance (accidentally, on my part) to get one, and instead she gave it a love nibble!

  5. Ha ha ha ha. That is awesome. Cats are so hilarious.
