
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Goodbye Summer...Hello 2nd Grade!

Today was the first day of school. I loved getting huge hugs from my former students and meeting my new kiddos, but the first day of school causes a few things to occur...
1. Sleep deprivation. I woke up at 3:30 thinking about how I was going to teach my kids bathroom procedures. Really? That's just not right...but I did recall a cute idea I saw on a blog somewhere, which of course I'll share because I'm sure you are dying to know. Instead of using a hall pass (which I hate because I think it's gross kids take them into the bathroom and then half the time they forget to bring it back) you use hand sanitizer bottles. Mark one bottle GIRLS and the other BOYS (I laminated a star die cut and used a small hook to put it around the neck of the bottle so when we run out of sanitizer we just move the labels). Place the sanitizer bottles in a central place near the door. When a student needs to use the restroom they simply move the bottle of their gender onto their desk. This lets me know who is in the restroom, lets other students know they have to wait their turn if the bottle is missing and it reminds students to sanitize if they forgot because yes this does happen.

2. Loss of social life. I'm actually shocked that I am making time to blog because my list of things to do is out of control.

3. Failure to implement anything successfully but my lesson plans. This just in: my new meal plan is on hold until next week.

4. Boring blog posts. There are no pictures in this post. LAME.

Please forgive me.

One tired teacher


  1. aw, I am sure once you settle into a routine you will be able to blog AND implement your meal plan!

    sending happy thoughts and caffeine your way :)

  2. Good luck getting back into the swing of things. I think the hand sanitizer is a great idea.

  3. I feel you! We are going on day 3 tomorrow & I am beyond tired. Good luck this year!

  4. I was just thinking today that your blog wasn't popping into my feed - and then there you are! Sounds like you've been busy - but I am excited to see all the creative things you do with your new class. Pictures or sans pictures.

  5. aww this is exciting! good luck with the school year :)

  6. forgiven! keep accustomed to your new schedule, new kiddies and new school year and come back whenever you can!

  7. that's a great bathroom pass idea! much more sanitary :)

    Sam @ fitness food & faith

  8. praying God gives you lots of energy and sustains you!
