
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Time to link up with Jamie from This Kind of Love for another edition of What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving how cute my classroom is looking especially with my new crate seats!
I'm loving that hubby and I found a recipe for a crock pot cake...I will share the recipe later this week, but trust me it is delicious!
I'm loving that my sister is home until her wedding, which is less than TWO WEEKS AWAY!
I'm loving all the GLEE soundtracks. I got them all from our local library and I'm obsessed. I will definitely be attending the Glee movie later this month...don't hate.
I'm loving my little brother. Today is his 19th birthday! Ah...that means I'm old.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. crock pot cake?! sounds scary! I'm now following you so I can see when you post the recipe!
    Trish @ Tales from ...

  2. I definitely need that crock pot cake recipe! I just recently started using my crock pot, and I'm obsessed already! xoxo

  3. Love the crate seats. Were they hard to make? I may back some for my classroom! & I am definitely looking forward to that crock pot cake recipe... sounds amazin!

  4. Crock pot cake?? SHAREEEEEEEEEE!

  5. cake?! from the crockpot?!?! that thing can do everything. and the classroom looks great :)
