
Sunday, September 18, 2011

A grown up kickball game

Saturday was a gorgeous fall day. The sun was out, the leaves were just getting that tint of color and my husband's cousin (age 33) decided for his birthday all he wanted was a grown up game of kickball. We met at Drew's family cabin, which was built by his Uncle in 1992. This place is full of good memories. We have had baby showers, family Christmas parties, graduations and more here. It is such an amazing place to have in a big family!

We ate yummy food...and then we walked to a nearby park and played kickball. Some of us came prepared with cleats while others played in white dress pants...but everyone who played wore a smile. Corny but true. Here are a few pictures from our amazing game of kickball.

I love Drew's family and we are so incredibly blessed with all the people God has surrounded us with. We plan to have many more family kickball games in the future!


  1. What a great post! That cabin looks like such a fun place to be. Having a place to meet for family gatherings is sucha blessing especially if it looks that cool. And kickball! That is so cool :) looks like it was a perfecto Saturday.

  2. what a wonderful weekend and i think a grown-up kickball game is a fun idea! that cabin is super cute and i am glad to hear you have a wonderful family who provide you lots of love in your life!

  3. That sounds like a lot of fun. I can't tell you the last time I played kickball.

  4. Hahahaha! Oh my gosh, that is awesome! I bet it really was SO SO fun!!

  5. I LOVE that cabin and the pictures. Adorable!

  6. this looks amazing...such a cozy looking cabin. and now I want to go play some kickball!!

  7. what an awesome idea!! love the pics - looks like a blast :)
