
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


It has been way to long since I've been able to do a What I'm Loving Wednesday! So here I am with my Wednesday loves...
I'm loving my free subscription to Real Simple magazine. It is my favorite magazine because it is full of recipes, new uses for old things, fashion and exercise tips. This months magazine has a whole month of easy dinners already planned out for you. Yes please!
I'm loving that I am craving pumpkin everything. I want to make this pumpkin butter this fall!

I'm loving that I work downtown and that I am within walking distance of so many great places to eat!
I'm loving that I got to see my bible study girls and catch up this week. One just moved back from Thailand, one was home visiting from NC and the other just back from Africa. My friends are world travelers and I miss them when they are gone!
I'm loving teaching second grade! My kids have been great and I love how independent they are (compared to my little kindergartners God love them)
I'm loving my cute little cats and their funny habits
I'm loving my husband...who has been so patient with me while I'm readjusting to being a busy bee teacher. He definitely makes me a happier girl!
Link up with Jamie and share what you are loving today!


  1. mmm! pumpkin butter! I've never had it before. You'll have to tell me if it's so worth making =D

  2. Hey there bloggy friend! Ok so how did you manage a free subscription to Real Simple? You are correct when you say it's the best.magazine.ever.
    p.s. I love your kitties!! So adorbs.

  3. I got my Real Simple magazine in too! Lots of good tips in there. I was super excited about their Halloween costume ideas. Do you have any idea how badly I want to go to school dressed as Pumpkin Pi?

    Cute post : )

  4. Pumpkin anything is amazing!

    If you love Real Simple- check out All You. It's a great magazine and has lots of coupons in it! Score!

  5. I love me some pumpkin anything! And that last pic of you guys is SO cute! I love all the fall colors. Gorgeous!
