
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Corn Maze Cop Encounter

Have you ever been in the middle of a corn maze when lightning strikes? Have you ever had to be escorted out of a corn maze by a corn cop? I have.
We went to a corn maze with our good friends Bekah and Alex like we do every year and half way through the maze the sky started getting strangely dark. We were searching for clues hidden throughout the maze so we chose to ignore the signs pointing to severe weather and continued looking for clues. We were determined to get our prize! All of the sudden the sky went from light to dark and we heard thunder. As you know a corn maze is supposed to be tricky to get out of so we started to get a little nervous about finding our way out before a downpour. Luckily we ran into a corn cop who escorted us out of the maze. Phew.
We reverted to plan #2...pumpkin carving. We watched an old "scary" movie, drank pumpkin ale, ate pumpkin fluff and carved our pumpkins.
A perfect October evening.


  1. Thank goodness for Corn Cops right?

    We are hosting a pumpkin carving party tonight. I am pretty excited since it has literally been years since I have carved a pumpkin. I hope my skills aren't too rusty. I am totally digging your cat-o-lantern.

  2. whoa, what an adventure you all had! sounds like a fun fall night though! and thanks for stopping by to see me at anthro! sorry i wasnt there... im usually there wednesday nights and sometimes saturday nights if youre ever at the mall then :)

  3. Corn Cop?! Bwaaahahaha I love that title (and I love that he posed for a picture for you). Fantastic. It looks like y'all had a blast regardless!

    Happy Sunday!

  4. Hahaha, a corn cop! I love that!!!!! Y'alls pumpkins are SO good. Like perfect!!
