
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The "berrrr" months

Happy November! I love this time of year with the holidays right around the corner. I can feel the excitement in the crisp fall air. I love this time of year because many people make an effort to reflect on the things they are thankful for. Even though this should be something we do daily it is nice to have a month devoted to giving thanks.

October was a hard month (more on that in a future post) but I have so much to be thankful for.  Since there are 30 days in November I sat down and wrote 30 things I'm thankful for.
1. My amazing husband who I love more and more each day
2. Our two sweet kitties who truly make me a happier person as silly as that sounds.
3. Chipotle. I crave you too frequently.
4. My amazing family and their love and support.
5. My job...I'm so thankful to have a job that I love!
6. Nutella by the spoonful
7. My crock pot
8. Hugs
9. This blog and all of you who make up this amazing blog community that I love, love, love being a part of!
10. My amazing group of girlfriends who can always make me laugh
11. My cute little house that keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer
12. Pinterest (yes I said it)
13. Smiles from strangers 
14. My church family and what our church is striving to do in our community
15. My camera and all the memories it helps me capture
16. For a God who cares so much about me and every small detail in my life
17. Monday night bible study
18. Rain Boots
19. Sunsets on the water
20. My students and the privilege I have in being able to pray with them each day.
21. Scrapbooking and all things crafty
22. Lazy Friday nights
23. Pioneer Woman and her delicious recipes
24. Camping and cooking over an open fire
25. Cookie dough
26. My sweet grandparents and their example of marriage
27. Freckles
28. Good neighbors
29. Libraries
30. I'm thankful for every day I am given...


  1. Love this post. It is so good to step back from life and look at everything that we have!

  2. We should give thanks for PW! =D

  3. Love it! I'm so glad that there are so many things that we all can be thankful for :-)

  4. This is a great list! I need to take more time out and be thankful for everything. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. beautiful post. grateful hearts are the most beautiful :)

  6. I love this post. It reminds me that, even though it has been a tough week, that I have soooo many things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving month!

  7. I love this post! So many of the things you are thankful for, I'm thankful for the same! Happy Weekend!

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  9. Great post! Can you believe it's November already? This school year is just FLYING by!

    With Love From Michigan

  10. Mmmm. I LOVE Chipotle too. I miss having one around.

  11. This is a great idea...will have to do this on my blog. Hope November brings lots of good things your way!

  12. love all of your thanksgiving!!! my husband is with you on the love for nutella. I, for some strange reason, do not like it!! weird.
