
Friday, December 23, 2011

Annual Holiday Staycation

Last year at this time a few of my girlfriends and I had planned to go to Chicago for the weekend. Sadly we got snowed in Ohio and couldn't make it to Chi-town. Instead of being sad we decided to go ahead and have our girls weekend here in Cincy. We stayed in a hotel for free, went out to dinner and had a marvelous time. Our Christmas staycation has now become a tradition...
 We ate at one of my favorite places, Bone Fish Grill...Bang Bang Shrimp=pure happiness. Yummm
 We had the hotel receptionist snap a few pictures since the hotel was so festive and merry.
 What's a girls night without Christmas PJs, jumping on beds and a pillow fight?
Sadly our friend Ali couldn't be with us this year since she had just gotten in from North Carolina (freshly engaged)  but we saw her the next morning to celebrate.
I love girl's nights especially when they include free night stays at hotels, amazing food and girl talk. Now we have to figure out how we can get a free night stay for next year...
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

1 comment:

  1. You all look very festive! Merry Christmas to you all too!
