
Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday's Letters

I'm linking up with Ashley today for my own version of Friday's Letters


Dear Hubby, Right now you are out with your friends hunting poor innocent squirrels. You claim their lives won't be lost for nothing and that you are going to make squirrel mittens, but I'll believe it when I see it...actually I don't want to see it. I will forgive you since you look so darn attractive and manly in your hunting gear.
Dear Christmas Break, Hurry up and get here I am about to pull my hair out dealing with my sugared up, running on no sleep, naughty but nice 2nd graders.
Dear Sister, Tomorrow is your birthday and I get to see you! I want a movie and craft night ASAP. We need a teleporting device. Let's make one okay?
Dear Friday, I love you and was hoping you would show up soon!

Happy Friday friends. Can you believe there are only 9 days left until Christmas??? I'm so excited but there are so many Christmasy things yet to do on my list!


  1. i love love your new blog design!! it is so pretty :-)

  2. Fun letters indeed! i can't wait for my christmas break either!

  3. Let me know how that teleportation device goes! I've been needing one for years! ;) New follower!



  4. I love the letter to your sister. I feel a teleporting device is always required for evenings like that. If you need help creating one - I am totally in.

  5. Oh my gosh, there's only a WEEK till Christmas and I haven't finished Christmas shopping! Eeeek :)

    Love these letters!

  6. i totally need a teleporting device! that would make life so much easier :)
