
Thursday, December 29, 2011

My favorite Christmas Traditions...

This year I realized how much I treasure my family's Christmas traditions. Every year I get to spend with the people I love becomes more and more special!

Every Christmas Eve we go to church with my family and then meet up with Drew's family for Christmas eve dinner. This year we went to Bonefish Grill.
 After dinner we head back to the Renner house and get our Christmas PJs from Drew's parents. This year we also exchanged sibling gifts since two of Drew's sisters had to travel on Christmas day.
Then Drew and I head home and prep for Christmas morning aka go to bed and dream of Santa's visit. This is our 3rd married Christmas together and we have our own traditions in place. We make this amazing blueberry french toast, start a fire in the fireplace, open our stockings...and yes the cats each have their own stocking, and take lots of pictures with our self timer.
We also always end up watching some version of Mickey's Christmas while we eat breakfast.
Then we get ready and head to my parent's house for more Christmas! We celebrated with my parents, little bro and newly married sister and her hubby.

If that weren't enough Christmas for one day we then head over to my Grandparent's house for a late lunch and yes more presents. My mom, sister, grandma and aunts always end up playing our favorite family game, Sequence!
And that my friends is how I celebrate Christmas. I hope yours was Merry and Bright! I'm off to read about them now.


  1. How fun! What a great family you guys have!

  2. aww!! i love it all! especially doing christmas morning with your kitties! how cute! glad you had some fun celebrations :)

  3. i love your traditions!! i hope some christmases my husband and i can wake up to presents under our own tree, but definitely thankful we have family to see on christmas even if they are a bit far away!

  4. That looks like so much fun! I love that you all put your pjs on lol :) We watch Mickey's Christmas Carol every year too and my family also loves Sequence!! How fun!!

  5. Your tradition and your big family are both pretty awesome sauce.
    I love our traditions and making new ones now that we've got a little girl :-)
    You guys are gorgeous!

  6. A Christmas like that would beat the Scrooge out of anyone.

    P.s. I love that the kitties get their own stocking - I need to do this for Basil.
