
Monday, January 30, 2012

Mealplan Monday

Today I'm linking up with I'm an Organized Junkie for Meal Plan Monday. (Thanks Emily for introducing me to this!) My meal planning goal for 2012 is to cook 3-4 meals a week...doesn't sound too hard right?

Here are my meals for this week: (You all are my meal planning accountability partners whether you like it or thank you in advance!)

Lime and Soy-glazed Chicken with cabbage slaw (Real Simple magazine October 2011)

Pioneer Woman's Pasta with Pesto cream sauce
Crock Pot Spaghetti Bolognese (Real Simple Magazine February 2012)

Tonight is Chipotle night at our house so my apron is staying on it's hook for the time being and I don't have to feel bad about blogging about my meal plan instead of actually doing it!

Happy Monday...Bachelor anyone?

Oh and don't forget to enter the My Memories Digitial Scrapbooking software GIVEAWAY!


  1. I love Chipotle! When I have one their burritos for lunch I'm set for the day.
    You have delicious menu planned. Enjoy! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Holding you to it girl!! The lime and soy-glazed chicken sounds delicious. We cook a lot of chicken around here so i'm always looking for new seasonings, etc. I like that it's baked too. Anyways, writing this and catching up on The Bachelor DVR-style now :)

  3. I am so glad you're doing this. I failed last week - but am back at it this week. I am sure your reviews will keep me motivated.

  4. You'll be so glad you did the meal planning! IN 9 years of marriage I have not been consistent with planning meals and it has made this so chaotic and stressful! Once I started being accountable with my blog(maybe only 3 months now) life has been SO much easier! I love your design/look. So cute! And that first meal looks fabulous! I def want to try it :)

  5. That spaghetti looks AMAZING! Ah I shouldn't read food posts around dinner time! haha
