
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sushi, Sequins and Starting fresh...

                                                                                         Source: via Allison on Pinterest

I just love New Years Eve. I love getting dressed up, I love thinking about the highlights of the year and I love setting goals to make the next year even better. It is wonderful to remember where you have been, but it is also important to look to where you are going...
                                                                                   Source: Uploaded by user via Allison on Pinterest

This NYE we went out to dinner at a steak and sushi restaurant with a few close friends then we went back to our house for games, some bubbly and a midnight shot from a flare gun.
The New Year means a fresh are my New years resolutions for 2012...
1. Be more disciplined (in my eating habits, exercising habits and time with God)
2. Open my own Etsy shop...COMING Summer 2012. My little shop is in the works and you all will be the first to know all the details. Here is a clue of what you might find in my shop...I am so excited!
In 2012 I'm looking forward to celebrating 3 years with my hubby, cooking new recipes from Pioneer Woman's new cookbook, being a bridesmaid in my friend Ali's wedding in North Carolina, purchasing a new(to us) car and continuing to learn how to be a better wife to my amazing husband. Cheers to 2012!


  1. Ooo your Etsy shop is going to be awesome!

  2. Your "be more disciplined" resolution is one of mine as well in the exact same areas you described!

  3. ahhh sooo fun!! i am so excited for your etsy shop!!! :) happy new year !!!

  4. an etsy shop?! can't wait!! you are so crafty!

  5. ooo, sushi sounds so good! can't wait for your new shop :)

  6. oooohhhh - I dream to one day open an Etsy shop! Maybe 2012 will be the year I am more crafty. I can't wait to see {and buy stuff} from yours. All the best in 2012.

  7. perfect title for this post! Welcome 2012.

    love your blog :)

    Classic & Bubbly

  8. What a wonderful New Years! I so enjoyed finding your blog today and reading about your Christmas too...sounds much like ours since both sides of our family are in town. Makes for LOTS of celebrating, huh?! Look forward to getting to know you more :-)

  9. Hooray for your etsy shop! And I love that quote. So true that yesterdays can hold us back from gaining great things in the future. happy new year!

  10. sounds like lots of exciting things coming up for you in 2012! and sushi on new years, almost a fabulous idea

  11. Your blog is so cute, so glad I found it :)

  12. Looks like a fun night! I love your sequin top!!

  13. I love that quote! It's so true!! You really have to look ahead and not focus on the past!
