
Thursday, March 1, 2012

A verse I really needed to hear today...

This school year has hands down been the toughest year I've had in my 4 years of teaching. My class is full of students who I love dearly, but that have some deep issues and lately I have been feeling incredibly discouraged. I try my best to help my students, but the past few weeks I have come home emotionally drained and wanting to simply give up. Today I went in to talk with my principal about a few things and she changed my spirits completely. She knows I have an extremely rough group of kids, but she reminded me of something that will help me continue working hard to make sure these kids succeed.
Galations 6:9 (The Message)
"So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued in doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get a chance, let us work for the benefit of all..."

And then this song came on my Pandora station...

God's timing is always perfect and I'm so thankful for a God who is bigger than all my problems.


  1. Hang in there Allison =) Will be praying!

  2. Even a class of easy kids (which I'm sure isn't possible) would be difficult for me. I admire teachers, I know I could never do it!

  3. What a blessing to have a caring & understanding administrator! Teaching really takes a lot our of you. By the end of my 4th year I was ready to leave teaching all together. Just think, Spring Break is coming soon!

  4. Oh, rough days. The devil is always working to bring us down. I'm so glad that she gave you that verse. I'll be praying for you!!

  5. oh girl, im not even technically a teacher yet and i know exactly how you feel. love the verse that encouraged you... also remember that youre making a bigger difference than you know or can even see in your students lives (look at me preaching the very things i need to believe myself sometimes!)

  6. Teaching is hard work...I had a very tough day at work today too so thanks forthe reminder...

  7. God *is* BIG. What a cool quote :)

    Keep your spirits up. I have so much respect for school teachers and think you all don't get enough praise or money for what you do!

  8. Sorry to hear your having a rough time :( I just dropped by to tell you that I nominated you for a sunshine award because I think your blog is just too cute and have enjoyed "stalking it" ;)
    You can follow the link below if you want to get the rules to pass it on.

  9. I'm not a teacher, but I can imagine it would be extremely difficult sometimes. I'm glad you found encouragement when you needed it. I like that quote!

  10. Hang in there. Teachers have such a difficult but important job. I definitely respect you.

  11. Amen to that! There is definitely a reward for those who are faithful!

  12. Love when the right words come along at just the right moment!!
