
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Girl's weekend

Drew decided to be Bear Grylls this weekend and take on the great outdoors with his friends. So while he was off catching fish and building shelters I was watching girly movies, eating way too many calories and playing dress up. Obviously I caught up on some much needed girl time. I truly am so blessed with the girlfriends I have. Here's a peek at my girly weekend.
Friday night:
My friend Alison came over and we watched a girly movie, made a cast iron skillet cookie and hung out in our pjs.
Saturday afternoon:
My friend Bekah and I went to see Titanic in 3D. They gave us these adorable boarding passes with our tickets, which we were both excited about. I loved every second of Leo and Kate's reunion on the big screen. 
Saturday night:
I went over to my friend Steph's house for a slumber party complete with pizza rolls, friendship bracelets, Justin Beiber's movie and wigs.
I love my girlfriends, but I'm super excited to give my outdoorsy husband a huge bear hug and not let go for 10 minutes. I missed him a little too much despite all my girly fun.


  1. what a FUN weekend!

  2. That skillet cookie! I need it! Looks like a fun and delicious weekend :)
    And I hope your husband didn't act TOO much like Bear Grylls haha...

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

  3. aww what a perfect weekend! one is never too old for such things :)

  4. What a great way to spend your weekend away from the hubs! You girls are the cutest!

  5. That sounds like such a fun weekend! Those boarding passes are so cute.


  6. Stumbled on your blog via Megan's (at Mackey Madness) and just had to comment. I love that you had such a fun time this weekend with your girlfriends. But it will be so great to have your husband home! Hope he had a great weekend too. :)

  7. Okay, what an adorable blog! I am in love with your header. But than again, I have a thing for birds and nests. So in love! THanks for leading me here! xo

  8. Looks like such a fun weekend! xo

  9. cast iron skillet cookie? WHAT? please share the recipe!!
    seriously I need a girly slumber party too bad all my damn friends have kids now LOL

    looks like you had a great time :)
