
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Green Monster Smoothie

Starting now...I'm taking care of me. I put all my energy into my students this year and now it's my turn. I already have a massage and a hair cut scheduled for next week and I'm on day 3 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I have also been drinking green monster smoothies for breakfast, which is a huge thing for me since I don't usually eat breakfast. If you haven't tried a Green Monster smoothie you need to! They are really easy to make, healthy and they taste surprisingly delicious.
Here's what I've been putting in mine: (found from this website)
1 handful of spinach rinsed
4 or 5 strawberries cut
1 banana roughly chopped
1/2 cup blueberries
2 tsp. honey
1 T. Greek vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup crushed ice
splash of vanilla soy milk
1 peach, peeled and chopped
Blend all ingredients until smooth and drink up! Yum!


  1. good for you! you deserve it!! I just wish I was done helping my students too. ugh. :)

  2. Way to go! I recently started working out more and revamped my week in and I feel a lot better. Take care and enjoy those smoothies!

  3. This looks so good! I was doing these awhile back and ended up stopping because I ran out of fruit...and then I never started back. But I need to!!

  4. so happy to hear you are treating yourself after a rough year... how is the smoothie?! i have been wanting to try it!!

  5. i've always been dreadfully scared of green drinks. . .but this actually looks semi delish. pinning it right now. . . until i get up my courage to make it for reals. :)


  6. good for you allison, you deserve to take care of yourself, eating right, getting a much needed massage and a hair appointment!

  7. That's awesome - I need to try that smoothie! I'm so excited for you that your summer break is finally here. Enjoy it, you deserve it!
