
Monday, July 9, 2012

3 Cincinnati favorites in one day

Two of my sister-in-laws live out of town so when they come in to town you know we are going to hit up all their Cincinnati favorites and this visit was no exception. 
Stop #1: Cincinnati Zoo & Botannical Gardens
Stop #2: Skyline Chili
Stop#3: Aglamesis Brother's
3 Cincinnati favorites in one day equals a good day!


  1. I love going to the Cincinnati Zoo!! I like it better than the Columbus Zoo. I can't wait to take my niece there later this summer!

  2. Cincinnati ROCKS, but you already know I feel that way!! ;) I haven't been to the zoo in a few years, I really need to make a trip there-- if it ever cools down, goodness!! :)

  3. mmm that ice cream looks so good!

  4. Love going to the zoo and the botanical gardens here in Texas! That ice cream is calling my name :)

  5. We love going to the zoo too! Such a cool urban zoo. We've never been to aglamesis brothers. We have heard such great things!

  6. gosh, I haven't been to Cincinnati since I was a little girl. would LOVE to go back!

  7. What a fun day! Love the pictures :)

  8. It looks like so much fun! I really want to go to Skylines someday! I've heard so many good things about it. :)

  9. Is that where we are going to go when we come visit?!?!
