
Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Sweet Husband, I'm so glad we had a fun evening celebrating our 3rd anniversary. Can't wait to see what adventures year #4 bring.
Dear Bella Luna, I'm glad we decided to re-visit you. Half price wine, my favorite person and your blueberry, chocolate chip bread pudding made for a wonderful evening.
Dear Zipline, We are visiting you today and my stomach is in knots with anticipation. I can't wait to zipline across the river! I hope I don't chicken out. Ah!  Dear Julie, We get to meet TODAY! I can't wait to give you a hug and take lots and lots of pictures. Dear Reds, Please give us a win tonight!! Dear Knock You Naked Brownies, I can't wait to make you and then eat you at our Bachelorette finale party on Sunday! Dear Husband (again), Are you ready for today? Can't wait to cross another thing off our Cincinnati Bucket list together!
Love, Allison


  1. Ok that bread pudding looks DELISH! Never been to Bella Luna, I swear we are so not adventurous in trying new places to eat, lol!

    Julie's not from around here is she?! Cool that you guys get to meet though!!

  2. Half-price wine... that sounds AMAZING! :)


  3. I've had that brownie recipe marked to make too! Although, you'll probably get around to making them long before I do =D Let me know if they're as good as they sound.

  4. I want a brownie! Zip line?! I have always wanted to try that.

  5. So whenever someone is like, "Oh yeah bread pudding" I always envision soggy sandwich bread and get totally grossed out. But if the thing in that photo is bread pudding, then it looks like I might need to give it a try!
    Happy Friday!

  6. SO EXCITED to meet you in just a few hours!!!!

    EEEEK! :)

  7. Wow, so many amazing things going on for you right now! I hope you get to cherish every single moment :)

  8. 2 things:

    A) that dessert looks ridiculously unreal and So divine. YUM!

    B) can anyway say THANK THE LORD we finally get to know who Em ends up with? are you team Jef or team Ari? haha

    have a GREAT day lovely lady! love katie

  9. love that we basically share an anniversary! and we are both having a bachelorette finale party. we are basically twins. I mean, come on.

  10. i've always wanted to zipline...but too scared to actually do it. you'll have to share some pics and convince me i won't die if i do it too one day!!

  11. Happy 3rd anniversary! Blueberry, chocolate chip bread pudding!? Thanks for making me hungry :)

  12. you look so classy and fabulous! what a cute wedding :)

  13. You met Julie?! How exciting!!! I love her...and you, of course!! Happy happy anniversary! Sorry I'm late!

  14. Happy belated anniversary! It sounds like y'all had a fun time! I feel like we are so similar and on the same timeline - teachers, June babies, mid July anniversaries, four years of marriage... good stuff!
