
Monday, August 27, 2012

A corn husking tip that will change your life

For a cookout this past weekend I decided to make Pioneer Woman's Grilled Corn Guacamole. While I was making it I learned a life changing tip...and it has to do with corn. If you've ever husked corn you know how annoying those little strings are right? Well I found a way to never have to peel another corn string away.ever. Are you intrigued?
So here's how it's done. Take the corn and leave it in the husk, toss it in the microwave for 4 minutes. Use an oven mitt to take the corn out of the microwave and put the corn on a chopping board. Cut off the husk. Make sure to cut enough of the husk away or it just won't work. Use the hairs at the other end and shake. The corn should slide right out string free! I did it and it worked. Then I did it again, and then again one more time to show my husband. Am I easily amused or is this really a cool trick?
If you can do this in the microwave I see no reason why this can't also be done on the grill...just leave the corn in the husk, throw on the grill, cut the husk and shake. Simple as that.

Oh and the turned out freaking amazing, but what Pioneer Woman recipe doesn't? I have yet to find one and I have now cooked over 30 of her recipes, yep I counted.
Click here for the recipe!


  1. Wha?! This would have saved me so much time husking corn when I was growing up, haha! Good to know!

  2. Seriously, you just made me so happy!!! Will definitely try this next time! Love PW and all of her great recipes!

  3. Oh my gosh, YUM!!! That looks amazing!!!

  4. We usually leave the husks on when we grill, but I've never tried this in the microwave...I will have to soon! And that guacamole looks divine. I love corn in almost everything.

  5. Well this is just amazing!! I can't wait to try it out. I should count how many PW recipes I've made too...

  6. That is crazy!! We generally cook our corn on the grill in the husk. I wonder if this trick would work after it's done cooking. I will have to try it out!

  7. CRAZY! We always put ours in the oven and cook it with the husks on to avoid the "hair" that goes everywhere. But sometimes we want to grill the corn, so I will definitely give this a shot. And the recipe sounds amazing! I really love anything guacamole really!

  8. Well this is a brilliant little tip! I'm always rinsing the cob while simultaneously flipping it from one hand to the next because it's too hot. Those days are over, thanks for sharing :)

  9. I love any tip that gives more time to chill and eat and less time hassling with the food, so thanks! That corn guacamole looks delicious.
