
Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Science Teaching Husband, We did it! We made it through our first week of school.  I'm so glad we can completely get what the other one of us is going through. It's a huge blessing!
Dear Doughnuts,
I hear that you are the new cupcake. I'm excited to try making all kinds of you with our new doughnut recipe book! Maybe you will become a Saturday morning tradition in the Renner house.
Dear Doughnut pan, You are an amazing invention. I'm so glad I found you!
Dear Kitties, You are the cutest...quirks and all. I miss not being home with you, but my kids love hearing about you. Yes I talk about you at school and I even have a calendar with pictures of you on the wall.
Dear Singing Servers, I have heard a lot about you and will be visiting you at Vito's Cafe tonight. I hope live up to all the hype. Dear Husband, Dinner and evening walks at Sharon Woods will keep us sane. Let's make that a priority okay?
Love, Allison
Happy weekend!!


  1. doughnuts are the new cupcakes? I feel behind on the latest baking trends... it's a sign that I'm not watching enough food network.

  2. I prefer doughnuts over cupcakes any day so I am definitely on board with this new trend :)

  3. What?! Homemade donuts! Awesome!

    We love walks too! They're the best- and hikes!

    Have a happy weekend :)

  4. Donuts, yum!! Can't wait to see all of the pretty donuts you make! Have fun tonight!

  5. those doughnuts look de-licious!! and your cats are too cute :)


  6. those donuts look amazing! so cute too!

  7. oh my word, those look so good!

    Happy Friday! have a great weekend! Drop by and say hello!

  8. OMG! Those doughnuts look absolutely delicious!!! YUM!

  9. Those doughnuts look delicious! They are making me wish for some homemade ones right about now!

  10. Oooh those donuts look delicious! I wouldn't be sad if they became the new cupcake!!

  11. Okay, I am really, really impressed by anyone who makes doughnuts. Seriously, those look GOOD! And doughnut pans?!? Who knew. Can you send some to Dominica, please? I can't tell you the last time I enjoyed a doughnut!
