
Friday, August 10, 2012

Top 10 reasons to go to a family reunion in KY

1. Fried chicken...we have our Family reunions in Corbin, Kentucky (home of the original KFC.) Speaking of grandpa's brother definitely looks like Colonel Sanders minus the facial hair.
2. Pretty scenery. The Bluegrass state is actually a very pretty place to visit!
3. Seeing family from near and far. We skyped with my cousin Laura who is stationed in Japan.
4. Our annual corn hole tournament. We took over the parking lot. Yes there are medals for the winners. Yes I will get one someday.
5. Generations unite. Our family reunion has been going on for 73 years. They haven't missed a year!
6. Name tags...doesn't everyone have name tags at their family reunion?
7. 2nd cousins that are more like 1st cousins.
8. Seeing people who you must be related to because they are there, but you have no idea who they are.
9. Bourbon and Coke...self-explanatory.

10. More family. I love my family, quirks and all and thankfully Drew does too. He's a keeper.


  1. You had me at fried chicken, ill be at the next one. Great pictures!

  2. I love family reunions! My family just booked a cabin for 2014 for our family reunion in Minnesota! I can't wait!!!!!!

  3. Looks like such fun and what a beautiful place!! Love the fried chicken and bluegrass! It doesn't get better than that! xo Heather

  4. We have only had a family reunion once or twice and it was crazy!! So many people everywhere!!

  5. How fun!! Yes to the fried chicken for sure!!

  6. Hooray for corn hole tournaments! It's embarrassing how much time we spend playing at our house, lol.

  7. I love family reunions and I bet I would love them even more if they were in Kentucky! This looks like a lovely time and honestly I would travel great lengths for a good piece of friend chicken.

  8. So fun, I wish my family had reunions! Also, totally see the Colonel Sanders resemblance :)

  9. I absolutely love that you guys have a huge reunion every year! :) We've been good about having one for the immediate family, but I never see the extended ones.
