
Saturday, September 29, 2012

"I own this"

My cats think they own me and everything in our house. And I guess they pretty much do. Here's the proof... 

"I own this sleeping bag"
"I own this map"
"I own this laundry basket"
"I own these papers you are trying to grade"
 "I own this fake Christmas tree"
 "We own this sink"
"I own this pillow"
And that's a cat for just have to love them.

                                                                       Source: via Allison on Pinterest


  1. Ha! This cracks me up! We don't have cats, but one of my besties has one and the cat is hilarious. Whatever new you bring into the house, she goes and sits on. So funny!

  2. Hahaha! My cats are the same way. I guess they own everything don't they?!

  3. i love this! my hubs won't let us have cats but when i was in college, i had one that pretty muched owned everything i had!

  4. I hear you basil too owns everything. Fun post.

  5. This is so true. Our cat used to get in the sink too. You forgot one picture. Cats own us too. ha ha

  6. Haha this is just too adorable! Love it :)

  7. Haha this is just too adorable! Love it :)

  8. this is hilarious! we have 2 cats so i totally understand all of this, especially the picture of your cat on your pillow... that's pretty much all the space i get each night!

    so funny :) just came across your blog and i love it!
