
Friday, October 12, 2012

Downtown lofts...I want one

Downtown Cincinnati is undergoing some major renovations all from which I benefit. New parks are being put in, amazing restaurants are popping up, a new casino is opening and people are really investing in and taking pride of the city. My friend's parents just bought a "corporate condo" downtown and I met my friend Katie there after work the other night for some much needed girl time. Katie has been living in Columbia and was home for a quick visit so I'm so happy we squeezed in a date! A downtown loft was the perfect date spot.
Let's just say after living the high life for a night, I now want to own a loft downtown. The view was gorgeous and it would save me quite a bit of gas money since I could literally walk from work to the loft. (Are you convinced yet Drew? I only need to sell about 20,000 more banners to pay it off. Manageable right?)
We started out with drinks on the rooftop then walked across the street to a new restaurant called Bakersfield. Bakersfield has Mexican street food and I loved it because everything you order on their menu is a la carte. The food was delicious...I will definitely be a repeat offender.
Hopefully I will be back to blogging more consistently next week, but things have been crazy around here with report cards, a wedding, 30th birthday, a kitchen makeover and a new crafting space! All exciting things (minus the report cards), but I'm ready for a day of relaxation. Can't wait to catch up with you all soon! Happy weekend!            


  1. ok, now i want one too! how great would it be to just be able to walk downstairs and grab dinner, then have drinks on your patio overlooking the city?!

  2. Ohh, what amazing views!! Hurry and sell those 20,000 banners so I can come stay and visit! ; )

  3. Sounds like a fun night in the city! You would love the city living, I didn't think I would but having everything within walking distance is great! :)

  4. There are such nice apartments downtown here too, but I can't imagine doing that with kids! We prefer being 20 min out of downtown on our half acre lot :)

  5. Oooh that place looks awesome. And we've been meaning to try Bakersfield... definitely want to go now! Fun.

  6. Bakersfield sounds delicious! I would love a loft in the city (while I'm young). Looking at moving back to Ohio after law school, and would LOVE to find something in Cinci. Maybe a fun, urban apartment there is in my future!

  7. New crafting space?? I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  8. you and me both...I would love a loft in the city. sounds glamorous.
