
Thursday, October 18, 2012

One year ago today...

I am so very thankful to God today. It was a year ago to the day that we found out my father in law had bone cancer. That afternoon I got a strange text from my mother in law during school and I called her on my drive home (big mistake). I called her and from the tone she answered in I knew something was terribly wrong. She told me what we thought was just bursitis (severe pain in the hip) turned out to be cancer. I was completely in shock. I don't remember driving home that day.  She went on to tell me that she couldn't get a hold of Drew. He didn't know yet. My heart felt like it had been ripped apart. I had plans to go to a concert (to support cancer of all things) that night which I obviously did not end up going to so I went home to sit and wait for my sweet husband to come home to share this devestating news. Our world was about to be changed forever.

Drew came home and we both were in shock. We cried, we questioned, we prayed and then we needed to go see Drew's dad. The moment we walked in the door Drew and his parents embraced in a tearful embrace that I will never forget witnessing. It makes me tear up just thinking about it. The cancer journey is not an easy one and the outcome is not always what you think it should be, but throughout the whole ordeal I knew God had Terry in his hands. I felt so helpless, but I knew my prayers and encouragement could go a long way so I prayed and prayed and claimed that he was going to be completely healed and as of right now, he is.

Terry is a light in our family. He welcomed me in to his family the day I met him and I know he considers me a daughter and not just an "in-law." He fixes our cars when they break down, he takes care of his family, he makes us laugh and he is the friendliest man I have ever met. He does not know a stranger. I am so thankful to have him in our lives for however long that may be. All of our days are numbered so this is just your friendly reminder to live life to the fullest and to always choose joy...even if the healing doesn't come.

"Sometimes all we have to hold on to
Is what we know is true of who You are
So when the heartache hits like a hurricane
That could never change who You are
And we trust in who You are

Even if the healing doesn't come
And life falls apart
And dreams are still undone
You are God You are good
Forever faithful One
Even if the healing
Even if the healing doesn't come"


  1. Thanks for this Allison. Firstly so thankful that he is healed! Secondly, for the encouragement to always choose joy and faith despite the circumstances :) Love ya gal!

  2. Aww, it must have been a very tough time in your lives but glad he is now healed.. Great reminder for all of us to take care of our health and live our lives to the fullest!

  3. I love that song! I'm so glad that he is well now!

  4. I'm glad there is a positive spin. It's good for ht erest of us to be reminded how fragile life is and to really appreciate those around us. I'm thinking of you today!

  5. Wow, I truly couldn't imagine. What a blessing that he loves you like a daughter. That's so special that y'all have a great relationship. & what a great attitude to have. It's such a blessing and comfort to know that the Lord can heal anyone and anything, and if he chooses not to, He's still God, and that's comforting too! Thanks for sharing sweet girl.

  6. He is so lucky to have a son like Drew and a daughter like you. I'm relieved to hear he is healing. Thanks for the encouraging words on life. We only get one (as far as I know), so we've got to do our best to enjoy it.

  7. This is beautiful. In March my husbands uncle that we were very close to was suddenly diagnosed with bone cancer. We went to see him as soon as we heard and he passed away the next day. We just have to cherish every day with those we love and know that God has a bigger plan.

  8. This made me tear up! You write so beautifully!

  9. This was very touching.

  10. That made me cry :( I am super emotional this week but boy--what a heavy burden for your family. Praying for you all. In Isaiah 38 Hezekiah is told his life is going to end. He weeps and prays and God ends up adding 15 years onto his life. God performs miracles, and He is faithful to us and wants good things for us. Cling to that and you all will get through anything!


  11. Very touching indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  12. This post gave me goosebumps, Allison!
    It's beautifully written, but the fact that your faith shines through it is even more beautiful :) Such an encouraging story!

  13. He sounds like a wonderful man. Thank God for healing!

  14. oh man...this is so sad. I will say that what the enemy has meant for evil that God will turn around for good and it's hard to see the good in some situations but you and Drew will find it together! By the way, if you're wondering where this random girl came from..I found your blog from Hope Squared's blog! I'm excited to follow your blog. it's so neat to meet new bloggy buddies and if you become close enough, you feel pain when they do and happiness and sorrow when they do. nice to meet ya buddy!
