
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

When your best friend gets pregnant should you get pregnant too?

My best friend is pregnant and I couldn't be happier! We have gone through so many stages of life together (heck we were basically babies together) and now she is going to be a mom. I remember walking in parades together in elementary school, going to every one of each others birthday parties, ordering our first Nsync concert tickets in the jacuzzi while eating jello and jamming to the radio, laughing through entire middle school concerts because we looked at each other, playing middle school sports and then high school sports, graduating and visiting each other in college, being bridesmaids in each others weddings and now this.

Having gone through so many phases of life together it's kind of strange to not be pregnant with her and I'll admit when your best friend gets pregnant it kind of, sort of makes you want a baby just so your babies can be best friends, but I'm not quite there...yet. It did make my baby fever go up a few notches though.

The night she told us this summer...
And here she is now with her little "pumpkin"...coming February 2013! Isn't she adorable? I can't wait to spoil this little baby!


  1. Awe, congrats to her! I am totally going through the same thing with my bestie. She is having her first child in May.

  2. congrats to your friend! that is such exciting news :) she looks so cute!


  3. One of my best friends just had her baby last week. I am definitely not ready for a baby but it will be fun to play with hers.

  4. so cute! I know what you mean, when friends start having babies. But think of it this way: it's kinda like you are having a baby, only you can give it back when its crying! perfect! :)

  5. Congrat to her! She is adorable! The good thing is you can spoil the little one and then give it back to the parents :)

  6. Congrats to your friend! She is so cute! I know what you mean. All but one of my best girlfriends have babies now. I have already made two of them promise to get pregnant with their second when I'm pregnant with my first because I don't want to be pregnant alone, haha!

  7. She really is so cute!! I know the feeling though...I have always wanted to be pregnant with my best friends, but the timing hasn't been right. Now 3 of my best friends are pregnant with me!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!! I love it!

  8. I will most definitely feel the same way. I think this is a great post because it's a topic many 20 something bloggers think about. As exciting as it is, it's good you're going to wait until you're ready, I think. I hope I have the same will power! Congrats to your friend!

  9. New follower...found you via Adventures of Newlyweds. It's hard to not want to share in this with your best friend. I feel the same way about my best friend except I was pregnant and wanted her to be!
