
Monday, November 26, 2012

The most delicious Thanksgiving food eveeerrrr!

Are you sick of Thanksgiving posts yet? Because I'm just getting started with mine! Our Thanksgiving in Nashville was amazing. Amazing company, amazing weather and amazing food. Since all of the family was traveling from out of town my sister in law came up with a fantastic menu and did all the shopping before hand and then we all pitched in and cooked our little hearts out Wednesday evening and all day Thursday. I have never been in the kitchen so long or cooked so much for one meal in my life, but it was all worth it and the girls secretly had fun slaving away in the kitchen.
Here was our very fancy and very delicious menu: (I'm getting the cookbook my sister in law got most of the recipes from for Christmas...more on that later)

  • cheese and crackers
  • cranberry salsa & brie
  • pancetta & pears 
  • mushroom patte
  • bacon wrapped dates
  • spinach sour cream dip
  • samosas
Main Course
  • Oven Roasted Turkey
  • Herb Stuffing
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Sweet Potato casserole
  • Balsamic Glazed Carrots
  • Lemon Green Beans and Mushrooms
  • Brussell Sprouts with Proscuttio
  • Rolls
  • Cranberry Relish
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Apple Pie
  • Bread Pudding
  • Carrot Cake
  • Gulab Jamin
Are you hungry yet? If not just take a gander at some of my favorites...they were all so pretty I had to snap some pictures. Magazine worthy? I think so.
Our amazing hosts and turkey experts!
After we ate and ate and ate some more we built a fire in the firepit out back. Then we ate desserts, (somehow there is always room for dessert) and put our stretchy pants on. We had a fantastic Thanksgiving and even had a few days to do touristy things (like go on an accidental night hike.) I also mentioned the Jack Daniel's Distillery...that's coming up tomorrow (for real this time)


  1. Looks delicious! Thanksgiving food is my favorite. I love brussell sprouts, but I've never done it with proscuttio. Sounds yummy!

  2. Those leave napkin holders are SO cute!! :) looks like you had an amazing thanksgiving.

  3. Wow! You guys went all out! I would love to do this at my house next year :) The hubs and I have never hosted a holiday dinner at our place because we haven't been in a big enough house and now that we are, I want to host one....we moved in a week before Thanksgiving though so too bad we didn't have time this year - anyways, I LOVE the names on the leaves and will totally be stealing this idea when it comes time to doing this at our place! ha

  4. mmm balsamic glazed carrots I've never had that and now I want it. It looks and sounds like you made the most of the holiday!

  5. That sounds like an amazing dinner!

  6. Ummm this looks Martha Stewart excellent!!!! What a fun time! I've always wanted to visit Nashville! Did you love it?

  7. oh my that is a lot of food!! looks like an absolute blast!

  8. Oh girl, it looks wonderful! Love the napkin rings/name tags! :) So much delicious food!

  9. Definitely magazine worthy!! What a delicious menu and a great looking table :)

    That mushroom pâté got me curious...I'm going to google that. I eat a vegetarian diet and am always looking for new things to try.

    So glad you had a happy Thanksgiving!

  10. You are an incredible hostess girl! I LOVED your spread! Also, is the cookbook the Trader Joe's one? I just got it, and it's amazing:) love Katie

  11. Yum!! Can't wait to hear more about this cookbook...

  12. Everything looks delicious!! And I laughed out loud at the stretchy pants comment! SO SO true! Haha!

  13. oh my! that is a ton of food... and it all looks delicious! hope it was a wonderful thanksgiving!!

  14. Oh gosh, everything looks so amazing!! I want to do Thanksgiving all over again!

  15. Oh gosh, everything looks so amazing!! I want to do Thanksgiving all over again!
