
Monday, December 17, 2012

Weekend update

Friday: My sweet husband took a half day from teaching at his school to come and be at mine. I have a long special right after lunch so we were able to go on a little date for lunch before he was our Mystery Reader. We went to the CUTEST Italian restaurant called Scotti's, which just so happens to be within walking distance of my school.
My kids flipped out when they found out that MR. RENNER was our guest for the afternoon. They literally started chanting his name. It was hilarious. He read a book, he did cool experiments with dry ice and then he signed autographs by request.
Friday night we went to our family friends annual pizza party and I got to see my friend Katie who is visiting from Columbia!

Saturday: I went with Drew, my mom and brother to see the HOBBIT. It was so good you guys! Then we headed to Drew's extended family's Christmas party. We wore ugly Christmas sweaters, ate until our stomach's hurt and had a gift exchange. The gift you brought had to be homemade, handmade or an "as seen on TV" gift. I came home with glitter tattooes (as seen on tv) and Drew came home with a homemade DIY cookie kit. You win some, you lose some.

Sunday: We went to Church and then I went to a bridal shower for my friend Linh who gets married in just a few weeks. Look how festive we all are!
Despite a full weekend of fun, I did a lot of crying, reflecting and praying for the families in Connecticut and as I prepare to go back into my classroom today, I pray that God will help guide my words as I know many of my students will be frightened and anxious after the tragedy that took place.


  1. I used to teach ... I don't know what I would say either, bless their little hearts. :(
    That's so awesome that your husband was the reader for the afternoon! {and that you got to leave campus to go to lunch!!}
    Happy Monday!

  2. It must be difficult to talk to your class about what happened. :(

  3. What a lovely weekend, I love how you spent time with your hubby and your students "chanting" his name :) I love Italian food, and that dish looks so scrumptious! I did the same things you did for the families in Connecticut, I know you will be inspired through the Lord to say the right things to your class. Blessings to you and your fam, hope you have a great rest of the week!


  4. I love that your husband came to your class to read plus took you out for a lunch date. My husband surprised me for lunch on Friday too! I hope all goes well in class today and the right words come.

  5. aww so sweet. i hope when i can do the same with mr. munafo once i have my own classroom!! looks like a great weekend. i am thinking about each of my teacher friends today as you all talk with your students about the tragedy on friday... love you!!

  6. I hope your first day back in the classroom since this weekend goes well. *hugs*

  7. Sending good thoughts to you today. I know you will find the words.

  8. What fun weekend for you =) That's so cool that your husband is like a celebrity to your class. Praying Christ will give you the right words to say.

  9. i love that your husband came to be your mystery reader! that is the cutest idea ever and also a lunch date during a work day you two are so cute

  10. I love this. Your weekend sounds like it was wonderful. And the pictures are beautiful!

    My roommate and I had a tacky sweater Christmas party with some friends last year, as well. It was hilariously fun. (:

  11. That's so nice that your hubby came in to read and that you got to go on a day date. All sounds like fun! I can't imagine how hard school must have been today. I can't say anything except that I'm keeping all students and teachers in my thoughts, so I'll keep showering you all with love and prayer!

  12. Looks like such a fun weekend...and that italian food looks so delicious! I've been praying for you (and for my other teacher friends)...I know it must be hard being back at school after such a tragedy.

  13. Yummy food!

    Looks like a great weekend :)

  14. that Italian place looks scrumptious, and what a sweet hubby! Thanks for all you do as a teacher!

  15. So cute that he came to your class! Your weekend sounds liek it was great, and the Hobbit was amazing, right!?

  16. how sweet of Mr Renner! I'm sure they liked the dry ice, and I love that they asked for autographs :)
