
Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekend Update...oh so festive

Festive and fun are 2 words I'd use to describe my weekend. Here's a peek at what went down...
Friday night-Drew and I ate pizza in our pjs, watched Home Alone (we consider this a Christmas movie), dressed up our cats in holiday bow ties and decked the halls.
Saturday-We got our Christmas card pictures taken in our cute little downtown area. We grabbed coffee then we hit the outlets hard and crossed lots off our list! Saturday night my girlfriend Bekah and I did our annual Christmas gift exchange. It always involves Bravo's for dinner, a Christmas-y craft and a Christmas movie. More on the adorable craft later this week...I can't wait to share it with you!!!
Sunday-Sundays are always very chill at the Renner house. Church, grocery shopping, lesson planning and oh my goodness the Walking Dead finale. I still don't know how I got sucked into watching this show, but it is addicting!

*Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a holiday banner and Starbucks gift card! The winner will be announced Saturday!


  1. Your weekend sounds wonderful! I can't wait to put up our tree. I'm hoping we will get our Christmas card pictures this week so I can get those puppies in the mail!!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend. That pasta looks so delicious. I want Bravo's like crazy now!

  3. Home Alone isn't just a christmas movie, it's like the best one! "look what ya did, you little jerk!" I mean, talk about holiday spirit ;). It looks like you had a great weekend. I'm jealous you checked so much off your list already!

  4. Home Alone is definitely a Christmas movie! Your weekend looks so fun :)

  5. Sounds like a perfect holiday weekend. :)


  6. You look so pretty in your blue dress! :)) That food looks delish :) Happy Monday!


  7. That sounds like a pretty fantastic weekend full of fun! And you ladies look so pretty all dressed up.

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  8. Home Alone is definitely a Christmas movie! Can't wait to see your Christmas photos! :)

  9. Sounds like a picture perfect weekend! I'm sure whatever you crafted up is beautiful!

    Oh and Home Alone is definitely classified as a Christmas movie in my book :)

  10. You look amazing in that royal blue dress!!! GORGEOUS!!

  11. Sounds like a great weekend, can't wait to see your craft project! Also, I love that owl ornament I have several little creature ornaments like that! Also, yes Walking Dead is awesome, however it's getting so Gorey!!

    New Follower from the Hop!

  12. Best kind of weekend! Especially the cats-in-bowties part. Awesome.

  13. I love your blog! I just found you through "Share the Love" and I'm glad I did. It looks like you have a really fun friend to share some holiday traditions with, girlfriends are the best!

    Your newest follower,
    ~ Maggie

  14. Sounds like a fab weekend! We totally count Home Alone as a Christmas show too! #soulsisters
    Found you thru the hop and so glad I did! New follower!

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  15. It sounds like you all had a great fun laid back weekend :)

  16. Sounds like an awesome weekend! Can't wait to see your Christmas photos! I need to work on our cards tonight.

  17. I can't wait to see y'alls Christmas pictures!! And I love that you and your friend do a fun Christmas night.

  18. Your tree looks great - what a cozy and fun evening. (And now I want to watch Home Alone, totally great for the holiday season.) What a fun tradition with your friend too!
