
Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Jewel (my fabulous hair dresser), Why do you have to be on such a long maternity leave? I know you had twins and all, but I hate change and don't want anyone else touching my hair!! My gray hairs are taking over and my split ends are yelling at me to just stop being a sissy and go with who you recommended. I guess I'll have to give in, but please come back soon. Dear Sweet Husband of Mine, I'm really going to miss you while you are off having fun with the guys, but don't worry I'm having a Downton Abbey party with Bekah and Ellie while you are gone so I'll manage somehow. Dear "Short" week, Why oh why do short weeks always feel the longest? This absolutely makes no sense. Dear Indoor recess, We had you this week and I'm about to pull my hair out! Dear Pizza Grilled Cheese, You were an amazing discovery! Yum! Dear Parenthood, I am finally almost caught up and I'm a hot mess. I still love you and think you are one of the greatest shows out there. Dear Sweet Husband (again), I'm excited for our wine tasting at Whole Foods tonight...who would have thought we'd be spending our Friday evenings at grocery stores so frequently?

Happy Friday friends!


  1. I am with you on the short weeks and then indoor recess!! It has been a long and loud week!! Happy Friday! Have fun with your girls!

  2. Downton Abby parties are the best!!! I hope chocolate is involved too :D yes, sometimes the shortest weeks are the longest!!!

  3. Parenthood is the best show in the world, well.. almost. LOVE it! I cry every show!

  4. Oh I can totally relate with the hairdresser thing - I'm a BABY when it comes to letting just anyone do my hair. When my old hair lady when on maternity leave, I just didn't get my hair done for like 6 was BAD.

    Happy weekend, girl :)

  5. I am so over inside recess!! And I agree; this short week has been one of the longest ever. Is it spring yet?!?!

  6. I've been putting off getting my hair done too! (gray hairs are taking over!)

    It always seems like short weeks are longer than a normal week. Why is that?! :)

  7. I'm soooooooooo with you on the short weeks feeling the longest! Have fun at your wine tasting tonight!

  8. Mmm... pizza grilled cheese for the win! Love that!

  9. Wine tasting and a Downton Abbey party?! Sounds like a fabulous weekend to me. Enjoy! :)

  10. Oh, I definitely know the feeling about being picky about who does your hair! I finally caved and went to someone knew because she charged me HALF the price as the other lady. And it was amazing!!

  11. Seriously - There are only a precious two that I trust with my hair!!

  12. Cute blog! I'm looking forward to stopping back to read more! :-) Happy weekend!


  13. Oh No!! sorry about indoor recess!! And I will never have gray least none that show...dye that ish out of my hair hahaha

  14. I totally understand the hair thing! My best friend just started cutting my hair, and now I don't trust anybody else!

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  16. There were a couple of weeks in a row back in November/December that Zach and I went down to Jungle Jim's on Friday night.

  17. I am soooo picky about who does my hair! I hate finding someone new. Where does Jewel work!? If it's not that far from me I might have to try to have her cut mine too when she comes back, lol!

    Also- Jungle Jim's is a great grocery date night too!!
