
Thursday, January 10, 2013

"Go lower"

                                                                          Source: via Allison on Pinterest

Working with little kids every day I get to see their faces light up daily over the smallest things like new sharp crayons, being the teacher's assistant, pizza for lunch in the cafeteria, a letter from their teacher or a game of Math Baseball. I truly feel blessed to be around children all day for this reason among many others, but reading chapter 9 of Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts made me even more thankful for their endearing smiles and their sweet perspective on life. Kids really are smarter than we give them credit for!
As we get older, life seems more mundane. We have our routines and we end up putting God in a box along with all of our expectations. We go to work, we have to cook and do laundry, we have to worry about bills and home repairs. We forget how big and how amazing our world is and how amazing God is! "How much larger your life would be if your self could become smaller in it?" Remember when you first saw the ocean, had your first kiss or first tasted Nutella? It is "the joy of small that makes life large." We need to "go lower" and cultivate a perspective of smallness again. It is only when we live a humble life of constant surprise and gratitude that we can experience true joy. "God blesses the humble, for they will inherit the whole earth." (Matthew 5:5) So this week I'm going to watch my students and learn from them!

Don't forget to check out these wonderful gals thoughts on chapter 9 as well!


  1. I absolutely needed to hear this today. I've been struggling the past week or so with the routine job, routine home, etc etc. Thanks for this AMAZING reminder. And I really want to read that book too, this is the 3rd time in a short period it's been mentioned by friends!

  2. wonderfully put Allison! I love your posts that you've been doing while reading Ann's book =)

  3. Well said Allison! Oh how I'd love to start seeing the world again through a child's eyes.

  4. love this! it's so true how we must be as children to TRULY enter into the kingdom of God in all it's JOY and WONDER! thanks for sharing, what a unique perspective as a teacher:)

  5. I just picked that book up at Barnes & Noble today. Amen to this post- xo Diana
