
Thursday, January 31, 2013

SPD: Strawberry Banana and Nutella stuffed French Toast

A few of my girlfriends and I decided to have an early Valentine celebration complete with Downton Abbey, Mimosas and breakfast for dinner. We wanted a delicious meal so we went where you go for any great idea...pinterest and started drooling over a recipe for Strawberry and Nutella french toast. Original pin found here. We looked up PW's french toast recipe because really where else do you go when you need a good recipe? We used her recipe for french toast found here and then to make it festive we cut the bread into heart shapes using a heart cookie cutter before soaking them.
Once we had our french toast hearts cooked, we stuffed each layer with nutella, bananas and strawberries and chowed down. We literally cleaned our plates! This was hands down the most delicious french toast ever!!!

Linking up with Katie and Steph!


  1. What a perfect girls' night, Allison!! This stuffed french toast looks incredible. Are you ladies caught up on Downton? I'm on episode 4 of season 2 and loving it!!

  2. What an awesome idea! I want to try this!

  3. Still haven't watched Downton!! Ha! I will try soon ;) those heart shaped french toasts look AMAAZINGGG!

  4. YUM! Can you come make that for me, too!? :)


  5. Ah looks like such a fun time with girl friends :)

    Those French toast look so yummy...I'm thinking this could be a good surprise V-day breakfast for my husband and son.


  6. OMGosh- What fun and does THAT look good! xo Diana

  7. These look delicious! And they are super cute too! Glad you guys had such a fun girls' night! :)

  8. That looks so yummy!!! Can't go wrong with Nutella.

  9. My family is obsessed with nutella and I love holiday themed food! Your french toast looks so good that it is definitely going on my must try recipes list -- stopping by from the #SPDLinkup

  10. Okay, can you believe I have never tried Nutella before? I think I am seriously missing out! This looks beyond amazing! Get in my BELLY!!

  11. My mouth is WATERING!
    I just tried Nutella for the first time not too long ago and I wish I hadn't lol. Delicious!

    Have a good weekend, girl!

  12. Looks so tasty! I need to make these =)
