
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Baby Jack!

My best friend had her baby Monday night...and shortly after Drew and I whisked to the hospital to see the new little family of 3.

Here's Steph and I on Thursday night after our girl's night of Pizza and ice cream. We were about to drive home in a snow storm and she shouts to me jokingly "Maybe the next time you see me I'll have a baby!" And I say back..."Yea right, you aren't due for another 2 1/2 weeks!" Welp, she was right because 4 days later she was a Momma!
This little baby is already so loved and I'll admit my baby fever hit an all time high while at the hospital...but then I came home and it slowly made it's way back down to normal. I will happily welcome a bundle of joy into my life someday, but for now I'm content! And if the baby fever spikes again...well I'll just go hold baby Jack for a few hours. 


  1. PRECIOUS! Congrats to your friend on that sweet adorable baby :) And to you of course, you're going to be one great "aunt".

  2. Congrats to your friend! I can only imagine how special this moment is in your relationship as friends. Also, you look pretty comfortable holding a baby ;)

  3. He's so sweet!!! I love all his hair! :) You're so lucky to get to hold a newborn, they're so little...

    Congratulations to the new parents!


  4. I know what you mean about baby fever. It hits when you're holding them cuz they're so cute, but then I go home and it's back to normal :) There do seem to be an influx of babies lately, though. It seems like everyone I know is pregnant!

  5. What a sweet baby boy. Congrats to your friend!

  6. aw, well welcome to the world little baby jack!! :)


  7. New babies are the best aren't they!? He is just too cute!

    xoxo Jamie

  8. He is precious! Congrats to the new mamma & daddy! Glad you was able to go visit & see that little bundle of joy.

  9. Congratulations to Steph!!!! He is so handsome!
