
Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday's Letters...Spread the love edition

Dear Top Chef (in the making) Husband, Your culinary skills never cease to amaze me. Our meal last night was better than any restaurant could have served us up. Wow! Dear sweet students, Thanks for making your teacher feel extra loved yesterday with all the hugs, notes and chocolates. Dear Presidents of the past, Thank you for all you did to shape our country and more importantly the things you did that led up to me getting a day off. Dear Chocolate Bread Pudding, You turned out pretty darn good except after I baked you I learned that my husband does not like raisins in his food. I learn new things every day. I know he loves me lots because he licked his plate clean and then ate bites of mine so I wouldn't feel bad. What a guy! Dear Valentine's Day, I love you. Always have, always will.

Speaking of Valentine's day...since I love all things Valentine's day I decided to sign up for a Valentine Swap a few weeks ago and I'm very glad I did! I sent a gift to Megan over at Table for Three...(read about what I sent her here) and I got a gift from the fabulous Nicole from Grub N' Marriage. I could tell Nicole really tried to get to know me before she went out shopping because everything she got me I LOVED. Thanks for spoiling me Nicole and thanks for hosting Megan and Erin! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's day. I can't wait to share our Valentine meal with you.


  1. What a fun gift exchange! Girly gifts are my favorite part of the holiday. And yay, three-day weekends (jealous!).

  2. glad you had a great valentines day... enjoy your three day weekend!

  3. Looks like a great Valentines!

    Chocolate bread pudding...oh my. Mister would be ALL over that!!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Y'all get President's Day off? So jealous! Enjoy your day:-)

  5. 3 day weekends are the greatest ever. You look so pretty! :)

    xoxo Jamie

  6. chocolate bread pudding!! that's absolutely something i could stand behind!

  7. I am so glad you had a nice gift exchange. Have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

  8. Totally jealous you're getting Monday off ;) But enjoy it!! And thanks for linking up in our swap girl!

  9. Glad you were showered in Valentine's love! I love stay-at-home dinner date nights. Glad you had a great day, and hope you have a great 3-day weekend!

  10. Aww so sweet of your husband to eat it even if the raisins weren't his favorite. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day and enjoy your extra day off! :)

  11. yay for 3 days weekends, thanks to past president's of course ;)

  12. Your students are too sweet :) I liked how you thanked the Presidents for your day off, lol! I am totally jealous you got to do that Valentine swap, I wish I didn't take such a long break from blogging, looks like fun!! Hope you guys are having an amazing weekend! :)

