
Monday, February 18, 2013

Top 4...

 Four things from my weekend:
one. Holding baby Jack and watching my best friend interact with her new baby. We took dinner over and I made sure I got lots of snuggle time in with this precious baby. He is such a good little guy!
two. Seeing Lincoln with my family in honor of President's day. I absolutely loved it.
three. Wine tasting and another delicious burger from Whole Foods. We took my sister in law and future brother in law and they loved it too. I think we are now officially "regulars."
four. Watching the Downton Abbey finale. It started off as a good episode. I'm not going to ruin it for you all that are behind, but it is not a happy ending and I'm livid. On a positive note, did you know the castle they film Downton in is a real castle that you can visit and tour? I watched a special on it and am now adding visit Highclere Castle to my bucket list! How far is it from you Tara??

Today thanks to the President's I am still in my pjs! Some of my girlfriends are coming over for Lord of the Rings round 2 and then we are making dinner together. Should be a relaxing day!


  1. I have yet to see an episode of Downton Abbey, I am long over due. And I am partial to baby snuggles myself. Sounds like a super blessed weekend.

  2. SO cute!!

    I keep forgetting to go to Whole Foods for those tastings!! We have to do that!

  3. Ok...I recorded Downton Abbey and am planning on watching it tonight. My mom emailed me and said "You will NOT believe what must watch." So I've been warned by her, and now you...Uh oh. In better news...your friend's baby is so adorable. And I wish I lived closer to Whole Foods so I could enjoy their wine tastings!

  4. Sounds like a good weekend! Enjoy your day off today!

  5. I did not know Whole Foods has burgers. I might have to try those out. I haven't been watching Downton Abbey this season. I am waiting for it to come out on Netflix. ha. Sad it has a sad finale, though!

  6. What a sweet little baby!

    As for Downton Abbey... I saw the finale this morning and it made me so sad! I already knew what was coming because someone on Facebook had let it slip. So the whole episode was actually really bittersweet. Hate that it had to end that way. :(

  7. I still haven't gotten into Downton Abbey.. I feel out of the loop haha. What a sweet baby! Glad you had a good weekend.. and a 3 day weekend :) Thanks for linking up!

  8. what a cute baby! i love his hair!

  9. Such an adorable baby! Sounds like you had a perfect filled weekend... now you have me thinking about cheeseburgers yum!
