
Thursday, March 7, 2013

The makings of a perfect snow day!

one. Extra cuddle time with my husband (he had a snow day too!) and my kitties
two. PW's Sour Cream Pancakes and blog time
three. Tried a new recipe: Chicken Alfredo Pizza (recipe coming soon)
four. The view out my window

I'm really hoping that this was the last snow of the season because hellllooooo it is March, but Ohio doesn't care what season it is, the weather always keeps you on your toes! Happy 1 day closer to Friday! 


  1. Fun... and the one down side of working from home. It was just a normal day around here (if you can say "normal" to this much snow in March, when it's supposed to be more like 45-50 degrees around here... Gah!)

  2. I'm so ready for the snow to go away for good too. So fun that you both had a day off yesterday! And I'm thinking I need to invest in a pw cookbook. All her recipes sound amazing!

  3. Want to trade some Florida sunshine for some snow? :) Now I want pancakes. Haha!

  4. I agree! This Ohio weather can leave now! I'm ready for spring and I hope this was our last snow fall!

  5. Looks like a PERFECT snow day to me- xo Diana

  6. hellllo its march! Agreed. But no one hates a good snow day :)

  7. Mmm can't wait for the pizza recipe! Looks delicious!

  8. new follower of your blog! so lucky to have a snow day! i would love to have a snow day off too. that pizza looks tasty!

  9. That's exactly how WI has been too. March? Don't care...we'll give you a foot of snow! Haha...happy weekend!!!

  10. i get the "on your toes" weather! it snowstormed monday and then on thursday it was so hot I was wearing shorts and have to drive with the windows down and now today we have a blizzard warning. colorado is pretty moody as well! lol.

    we'll take all the moisture that we can get so that are summer in now on fire the whole time again!

  11. yeah for a snow day last week!! but I am very ready for spring! today it's raining and melting the snow - yea!!
