
Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend update...

one. Chocolate chip oatmeal pancakes.Thanks Rach for sharing the recipe. I've already made them twice! Yum!
two. Beer flights at Cock N Bull. My husband knows how to pick the good ones.
three. My oldest friend who is now living out in Colorado came to visit! We hiked, we reminisced, we drank, we was like she never left.
four. Delicious Japanese tea in a cute cup and some awesome appetizers at Bangkok Bistro.
five. My sister in law had her artwork featured in an art show. We also got to see where the magic happened behind the scenes in her art studio!
six. A lazy Sunday. Grading papers and drinking hot tea in my sweatpants by 3pm.

How was YOUR weekend???


  1. looks like a good weekend to me! that little teacup is adorable!

  2. Such a great weekend. My conisisted of lots of laziness and some painting...and now I can barely move my arms thanks to the painting. Have a great week love!

  3. What a wonderful weekend. Nothing better than sharing it with a friend- xo Diana

  4. Sounds like a lovely weekend...part fun, part productive! And yay for friend visits!

  5. Chocolate chip oatmeal pancakes WHAT!? That sounds amazing!

  6. i want those pancakes! how nice to have time with a friend!

  7. I have yet to go to Bangkok Bistro but I hear they have the best pad thai in town!

  8. I'm not even really a pancake person, but I do like oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I think this recipe may make me change my mind about making pancakes. Yum! It sounds like you had a really relaxing weekend spent with the ones you love (the best kind, if you ask me).

  9. Seriously- maybe our next blate should be I come over to your house and you make me breakfast?! You always have the YUMMIEST looking stuff haha! So glad you got to spend time with your oldest friend! :)

  10. That pancake recipe looks delish! Wish I would have seen it this morning for my snow day breakfast!

  11. Looks like an awesome weekend! I love being able to relax but also have fun on the weekends! :-)

  12. chocolate chip oatmeal pancakes? i have done chocolate chip pancakes but never put oatmeal in that, sounds like a cookie in a pancake, yum! glad you got some friend time in this weekend, it is so important!!

  13. it took me a minute to realize what beer flights was haha (new reader!)

  14. So glad you love the pancakes too! They are one of our favorite recipes! Oh so yummy. That reminds me, I should make them again soon. :)
