
Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend update...

Friday. We went out Downtown to celebrate our friend Joe's birthday. We headed to the Moerlein Lager House for dinner. We had friend pickles and then I tried their B.E.S.T. pizza which had 2 sunny side up eggs on top of it. It was wonderful! After dinner we tried out Cincinnati's new Casino, the Horseshoe. It was packed and I was a little overwhelmed. I played the penny slots and lost and I was done.
Saturday. I road tripped to Kentucky with my Mom to celebrate my grandma's 87th birthday with her. All she asked for was a chocolate cake and lots of candy so my Aunt's put together a candy bar for her and she loved it! Not only was there cake and candy, but my uncle brought over some specialty cupcakes. I tried the Derby cupcake and it was incredible. It was so sweet being able to celebrate another birthday with my dear Mimi.
Sunday. Did some spring shopping with my 20% coupon at Kohl's (love me some Lauren Conrad), dressed in green and ate leftover corned beef.
How was your weekend???


  1. found you're blog from the lovely Erin & Sarah! I'm a Cincinnati blogger too :)

    sounds like you had a great weekend! we tried out the casino on saturday night and it was ridiculous packed too.. hopefully it'll be more enjoyable when it isn't so crowded.. oh and winning would help too :) hah

  2. Definitely love Lauren Conrad!! I don't think I'm at work a single day without wearing at least one Lauren Conrad piece.

  3. Derby cupcake?! I love derby pie but I've never had a cupcake version! Yum!

  4. Looks like such a fun weekend! And I get the same way in casinos...I get overwhelmed by all the noise/ on a few penny slots and call it good! Don't think gambling will ever be in my future. :)

  5. I'm not stepping foot in the casino for a lonnngggg time after all the other people saying how its constantly packed haha! I LOVE the lil candy bar for your Mimi's birthday-- never too old for sweets ;)

  6. Whoa, I am not going to lie, that pizza freaks me out a little! But I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

  7. Was casino parking as crazy as I thought???

  8. Glad you had a great weekend, girl!

  9. What a fun weekend! Glad you had a blast! :-)

  10. Sounds like another highly successful weekend! :)

  11. Wow, your weekend sounds crazy busy! That is so cute you were able to see your mimi :) And who wouldn't want a bunch of sweets for their bday ;) I've never heard of an egg cooked on top of a pizza, but it looks good and doesn't sound too bad either! Hope you have a lovely Monday!


  12. I have definitely never tried pizza with eggs on it before, I'm intrigued! What else was on it?

  13. Sounds like a really fun weekend! The food looks delish :)

  14. I've always wanted to try fried pickles. They sound so fascinating haha Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  15. Sounds like a GREAT weekend - can't wait to see your new LC stuff. :)

    See Mo Go.

  16. Oh wow, so much yummy yummy food!! Perfect weekend!

  17. All the food in this post is making me seriously hungry!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

    The Hartungs Blog

  18. sounds like a great weekend :) and I love lauren Conrad's line too!! i was planning to stop by tomorrow for her boyfriend jeans...hope they fit :)

  19. Sounds like a full weekend! Happy birthday to your grandma! That's so special you make time for her big day :-)
