
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth (and then some)

My little guy is a little late to the teething game. He starting popping his first tooth just a day before his first birthday. But now we are playing catch up and he is popping teeth like I pop sour patch kids at the movie theater. Thankfully, NUBY launched a new range of teethers on Amazon just in time for Aiden to test his new chompers on.
Aiden's favorite teether of the three is the Fruity Chew. We got the Orange and since my son loves all things fruit he "Mmmmms" as he chews on this teether. The handle makes it easy to grasp and it is great for him to chew on. I have even put this in the fridge to let it chill before giving him and he loves to chomp on it.
His next favorite is the Spin N Teether because it is not only is a teether, it's entertainment while he chews. He has tested out all the chewing surfaces of this toy and the chewy edges are perfect for him to bite. I love how there are multiple chewing surfaces for his ever changing gums.
Lastly, there's the Farm Animals Soothe-a-Loop. This one is his least favorite of the three, but he still enjoys it more due to the animals on it than the actual teething surfaces. I do feel like this one is the easiest to keep tabs on due to it's size. We took this with us on a long car trip and Aiden was able to hold it and keep track of it himself throughout our trip.
If you are looking for a new teether for your little one to try or you are looking for a little something extra for your little one's stocking the links to the teethers I mentioned are below:

Farm Animals Soothe-a-Loop
Fruity Chews
Spin N Teether

I did receive these items free as part of the Nuby Parent Blogger Program, but all opinions are my own!


  1. Teething is the worst! We're on molars now and it is so sad to see them in pain!

  2. He's so stinking cute haha! And now that you've said sour patch kids I believe I NEED some of their watermelon ones! Mmmm. My fav!!

  3. That little orange slice teether is super cute! I've heard teething is NO fun so I hope he gets 'em in fast!
