
Friday, December 18, 2015

{Festive} Friday Frames {Out & About}

My life is so jam packed right now and while I'm loving all of the festive hustle and bustle, I don't want to miss capturing some of my favorite moments here on the blog so I'm starting something new. Meet Friday Frames, where I'll be sharing some of my favorite pictures or "frames" from the week (or weeks) past.

Here are some of my favorite festive frames from the last few weeks including Aiden meeting Santa (he's not a fan), Christmas at the zoo, my holiday work party at the Bengals Stadium, shopping and more.
Tonight Drew and I are heading out on a holiday date and I couldn't be more excited!


  1. Great pics! Especially love the Santa one - I feel like it's a childhood requirement to have a "crying on Santa's lap" pic. :) Have fun on your date night!

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