
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Happy Thanksgivingmas!

This year we tried something new, we celebrated Thanksgiving AND Christmas in the same weekend with one side of the family, hence the title of this post. It was a crazy weekend full of lots of family time, but we had a fun and I think this might become a new tradition.

Friday/Shopping and Chili Cook off:
I love my extended family so much and despite me needing a vacation and 72 hours of sleep when we got back to Ohio, it was so worth it. And now I'm excited to be home for the holidays!

How do you celebrate the holidays with family that lives in other places?


  1. So many happy faces in these pictures. Also, I love your Thankful Mama shirt!

  2. How fun!! And how CRAZY fitting it all into one weekend- I bet it was a blast though! :) I wish I'd been at that chili cookoff, yum!!

  3. OMG so many people in one home! I LOVE it!!! The staircase shot is so great!!!!! :) sounds like such a fun tradition to have starting!!

  4. i love that thanksful mama top! i'm thinking i need some mama gear for christmas, huh? and holidays with the babe and the fam - so fun working them out! love that you did two in one to let everyone be involved in the celebrations :)

  5. I love that you have such a big family to celebrate with! I wish I did. have a good christmas xo
